Act of Aggression Wiki
“With the “Old Guard” slowly disappearing and losing influence, the Cartel evolves in the early XXI century into a self-preserving group of influential men collecting the fruits of their victory … and not hesitating to influence the world’s destiny to make sure it remains that way”
— Excerpt from Cartel's Cartel: Origins
AoA Logo Cartel

The following is a list of units, structures, and support powers of the Cartel in Act of Aggression.



Tier Icon Name Description
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military AoA Icon Contractor Contractor Light infantry with submachine gun and fires on the move. Can be upgraded to capture buildings and vehicles, as well as more hitpoints and Life Insurance.
AoA Icon Viper Viper Light general purpose anti-ground infantry with rocket launcher. Can be upgraded with increased damage, more hitpoints and Life Insurance.
AoA Icon Grinch Grinch Light anti-air infantry with missile launcher. Can be upgraded with increased range, more hitpoints and Life Insurance.
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military and AoA Icon Prison Module Prison Module AoA Icon Shershen Shershen Infantry team with anti-vehicle missile launcher. Can be upgraded with increased range, more hitpoints and Life Insurance.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops AoA Icon Punisher Punisher Heavy combat medic with grenade launcher and heals friendly infantry. Can be upgraded with more hitpoints and Life Insurance.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops and AoA Icon Stealth Lab Stealth Lab AoA Icon Vanguard Vanguard Stealthed elite light infantry with submachine gun. Can be upgraded with more hitpoints and Life Insurance.


Tier Icon Name Description
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military AoA Icon Scorpio Scorpio Light tank with long sight range and an anti-vehicle/structure railgun. Can be upgraded with Smoke Rockets and stealth.
AoA Icon Otomatic Otomatic Anti-air vehicle with a general purpose autocannon, and detects stealth air units. Can be upgraded to intercept enemy missiles.
AoA Icon BREM-80U BREM-80U Unarmed repair vehicle, repairs friendly vehicles and helicopters.
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military and AoA Icon Prison Module Prison Module AoA Icon Jackal Jackal Light anti-infantry transport vehicle with sniper rifle that ignores covers and detects stealth. Can be upgraded with stealth.
AoA Icon AMOSAoA Icon AMOS Strix AMOS Light artillery vehicle with explosive anti-infantry/structure mortar. Can be upgraded with anti-vehicle ammunition in exchange for its original capabilities and stealth.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops AoA Icon Scout CGSAoA Icon Scout CGS Combat Kit Scout CGS Light stealth transport vehicle with anti-infantry machine guns. Can be upgraded for increased sight range, stealth detection and a flamethrower in place of the original weapon.
AoA Icon Vextra Vextra Light transport vehicle with an anti-surface/helicopter autocannon. Can be upgraded for increased durability and stealth.
AoA Icon LOSAT LOSAT Light combat vehicle with an anti-surface rocket launcher and an anti-surface/helicopter machine gun. Can be upgraded to gain burst fire and stealth.
AoA Icon Koalitsija AoA Icon Koalitsija Assault Gun Training Koalitsija Heavy artillery vehicle with twin anti-surface howitzers and a anti-surface/helicopter machine gun. Can be upgraded to fire its main guns at close range
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops and AoA Icon Stealth Lab Stealth Lab AoA Icon Spectre Spectre Stealthed main battle tank with anti-vehicle/structure railgun. Can be upgraded with increased sight/main gun range, an anti-surface/helicopter autocannon and stealth detection.


Tier Icon Name Description
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military AoA Icon Skycrane Skycrane Engineering unit, only deployed to build structures. Can be upgraded for increased agility and stealth.
AoA Icon Recon K-MAX Recon K-MAX Light recon helicopter, can detect stealth and resources
AoA Icon K-MAX K-MAX Light logistical helicopter, transports resources. Can be upgraded with stealth.
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military and AoA Icon Prison Module Prison Module AoA Icon SuperHind Superhind Heavy attack/transport helicopter with an anti-surface/helicopter autocannon and anti-vehicle missiles. Can be upgraded for increased agility, napalm bombs and countermeasures.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops AoA Icon ShadowhawkAoA Icon Shadowhawk Side-Door GAU-19 Shadowhawk Light stealth transport helicopter. Can be upgraded with anti-infantry machine guns that intercept missiles.
AoA Icon Comanche Comanche Light stealth attack helicopter with anti-surface/helicopter autocannon and anti-surface rockets. Can be upgraded for increased agility.
AoA Icon X-32 X-32 Light bomber with anti-vehicle cluster bombs. Can be upgraded with anti-radiation air-to-ground missiles.
AoA Icon Berkut Berkut Air superiority fighter with gatling gun, countermeasures and air-to-air missiles. Can be upgraded for increased agility and rear-firing air-to-air missiles.
AoA Icon Valkyrie Valkyrie Supersonic strategic bomber with napalm bombs. Can be upgraded for countermeasures and air-to-air missiles.




Tier Icon Name Description
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military AoA Icon HQ CTAoA Icon HQ CT Black Ops HQ Researches upgrades, generates Credits 30 every second, deploys new structures via Skycranes, stores 3000 Resources, expands the base construction zone, acts as a resource drop-off point and produces Recon K-MAX.
AoA Icon Refinery CT Refinery Extracts Credits Oil and Aluminium Aluminum, produces K-MAX. Can be upgraded with stealth, REE Rare Earth Extraction and autorepair.
AoA Icon Barracks CartelAoA Icon Barracks CT Prison Barracks Produces infantry and researches their upgrades. Can be upgraded with a Prison Module and Ransom Network for Credits Credit Income, or an Aluminum Module for Aluminium Aluminum generation.
AoA Icon Vehicles Bay Vehicles Bay Produces Scorpio, Otomatic, Jackal, AMOS, Superhind, Scout CGS and HQ
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military and AoA Icon Vehicles Bay Vehicles Bay AoA Icon Repair Center Repair Center Produces BREM-80U, researches upgrades for vehicles produced in the Vehicles Bay.
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military and AoA Icon Refinery CT and Refinery AoA Icon Extension Module Extension Module Stores 1000 Resources, expands the base construction zone and acts as a resource drop-off point.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops AoA Icon Tokamak Tokamak Generator Generates 8 AoA Icon Resource Electricity and provides power reserves.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops and AoA Icon Tokamak Tokamak Generator AoA Icon Prototypes Bay Prototypes Bay Produces LOSAT, Vextra, Koalitsija and Spectre, researches their upgrades.
AoA Icon Stealth Lab Stealth Lab Researches various upgrades, allows for the production of Vanguards and Spectres.
AoA Icon Air Control Cartel Air Control Center Produces X-32, Berkut and Valkyrie, researches their upgrades. Can be upgraded for increased detection range against enemy fixed-wing aircraft.
AoA Icon Helipad CT Helipad Produces Shadowhawk and Comanche, researches upgrades.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops, AoA Icon Tokamak Tokamak Generator and AoA Icon Stealth Lab Stealth Lab AoA Icon Accelerator Accelerator Increases production speed for all friendly buildings in its area of effect. Can be upgraded to stealth all buildings it covers.
AoA Icon Underground Stock Market Underground Stock Market Generates 4 Rare earth elements Rare Earth Elements every 2 seconds.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops and AoA Icon Stealth Lab Stealth Lab AoA Icon Rare Earth Ext Module Rare Earth Extension Module Stores 1000 Rare earth elements Rare Earth Elements, expands the base construction zone and acts as a resource drop-off point.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops and AoA Icon Prototypes Bay Prototypes Bay AoA Icon THOR THOR Control Center Superweapon.
Tier Icon Name Description
AoA Icon Build Private Military Private Military and AoA Icon Barracks Cartel Barracks AoA Icon Artillery Turret Artillery Turret Anti-surface long-ranged artillery turret with a blindspot. Can be upgraded for increased range.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops and AoA Icon Tokamak Tokamak Generator AoA Icon Railgun Turret Railgun Turret Anti-air and anti-surface turret with stealth detection. Can be upgraded to remove its power consumption.
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops, AoA Icon Tokamak Tokamak Generator and AoA Icon Air Control Cartel Air Control Center AoA Icon Skyguard Skyguard Turret Anti-air, anti-surface and anti-superweapon turret. Can be upgraded to gain increased superweapon interception range.

Support Powers[]

Tier Icon Name Description
AoA Icon Build Black Ops Black Ops and AoA Icon Prototypes Bay Prototypes Bay AoA Icon THOR THOR Orbital Strike Fires a group of metal rods, dealing heavy damage in a small area of effect.

See Also[]

  • United States Army Arsenal
  • Chimera Arsenal
AoA Logo Cartel Cartel Operation Eclipse Arsenal AoA Logo Cartel